Therapy to Improve Your Relationships

Struggling To Maintain Healthy Relationships?

We all want and desire closeness and connection with others. Whether it’s a new or long-term dating relationship, or dynamics with family or friends, sometimes we can feel like our relationships cause more stress than joy, and as if we are stuck in patterns of conflict and tension. Perhaps we feel defensive, or don’t know how to communicate our needs or feelings. Relationships can be hard and sometimes we need help breaking out of the unsatisfying patterns we find ourselves in.

How Can Therapy Help Me In my Relationships?

Working on your relationship patterns in therapy can help you learn and recognize triggers, improve your communication and ways of responding, and improve your overall connection in relationships. I specialize in helping my clients improve their relationships and create the meaningful connections they want. Here are a few of the areas that I will work with you on to help you improve the quality of your relationships:

  • Trust Issues: Learn how to safely trust yourself and others, and become more comfortable with vulnerability. 

  • Communication Skills: Improve your communication by learning how to effectively communicate with respect, non defensiveness, and warmth.

  • Vulnerability: Being vulnerable can feel so scary to most of my clients! I’m here to gently teach you how to safely let your guard down and let people in, so that you can develop the connections and intimacy you crave.

  • Past Experiences: Our past impacts our present. Learning our triggers, how we are activated, and how to soothe ourselves and cope with our feelings is crucial to being able to maintain long-term relationships and repair conflict. 

  • Family Relationships: Whether it is a small argument or ongoing conflict, therapy can help you heal the family relationship wounds you may be harboring. 

  • Friendships: If you are concerned that you cannot keep long-lasting friendships, therapy can help you understand how and why those connections may be breaking, and learn to seek and create deeper, more fulfilling friendships.

Begin Improving Your Relationships Today

No one is meant to walk through life alone. We all deserve to feel connected, cared for, seen, and heard in our relationships. If you live in the St. Pete, Tampa, or Clearwater areas and are looking to improve your relationships, contact me today to set up a free initial consultation phone call where we can talk about how I can help. 

Find Balance & Happiness

Helping people overcome struggles is what I do best.